Hi all,
After having read all proposals, personally I prefer proposal #1.
To avoid issue with editing dashboard as it is included from another page,
I would clearly remove this inclusion and make Main.WebHome a real
(autonomous) dashboard with no link with Main.Dashboard. There is room for
2 dashboards (the wiki dashboard and the wiki home page dashboard :) ).
I prefer this proposal because it improves long-running "issues" (or
limitations) of the wysiwyg editor, which on another side is great.
I also prefer it because IMHO editing macros should feel natural in XWiki
because they are a great feature and there is / should be nothing technical
with a rendering macro.
For wysiwyg/inline, I'm not sure why, when you are not advanced user, you
can't choose between both. To me "edit" action should default to wysiwyg
(or wiki depending on configuration), and IF there is some content that can
be edited inline, you should have something else to click (button, link,
pencil icon ...) to edit it "inline" and it switches the whole page to
inline mode.
Also "Edit / Inline form" is weird name in some cases, when I edit inline
the dashboard, I don't feel I'm editing a form...
Proposal #2: to me a proper UI for the include macro configuration in
wysiwyg (so, proposal #1), could in the end be very similar to this
proposal (like, I click edit, it opens wysiwyg, I click edit on include
macro, and I can select a page from a list or table or a page suggest or
Proposal #3: I like the part about explaining the concepts, but it could be
done without removing the dashboard, in fact it seems to be 2 different
things. Also it's nice to have those descriptions on home page, but when
first user has read them (wether he's the admin or not), when he customize
the page he will remove them and ... they'll be lost for all other users ?
I'd prefer to have a question-mark icon somewhere to click to get some
help, that would start with explaining xwiki concepts, and then provide
some links to go deeper.
By the way it's surprising, on a fresh XWiki install, to see that there is
no "help" entry nowhere in the UI, not any question-mark icon, or help menu
entry. You get some help only once you edit a page, and only on wiki syntax.
There is the "Getting started" link on the default home page, but it
contains mainly a screenshot of the default home page (that I could have
changed already, so for new comers of my site, this getting started would
be confusing) with some numbers, difficult to consult as I have to scroll
to see the numbers and their description.
To me xwiki is not just a site or just a wiki, it's a highly interactive
site, with many features from "basic" to "very advanced": it deserves a
better help system ;-)
(note: just discovered the help center proposal [1] below, see comments on
proposal #5 also)
Proposal #4: I don't see how it solves issue with editing home page, it
merely simplifies peeking any page as a home page.
Along with proposal #2, I would say that everyone seem to find that there
are too many concepts, too technical, etc, but those proposals continue to
add new concepts on top of existing ones, and are pretty much useless if
it's deadly simple to edit an include macro.
Also I find it buries navigation inside configuration, and destroys habit
of current users about "WebHome is a home page".
It also seems like a workaround, like: "if it's hard to edit a page, peek
another one".
Proposal #5: I really like the Help Center proposal [1] in fact :) But I
think it's // with other proposals in fact, having more help won't solve
home page editing issues, but it could greatly improve overall end-user
experience (in any case).
[1] - http://design.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Improvements/HelpCenter
2014-10-13 11:27 GMT+02:00 Guillaume "Louis-Marie" Delhumeau <
Post by Guillaume "Louis-Marie" DelhumeauHi.
= Proposal 1 =
Still too technical IMO.
The first time you edit a page, you edit either the Sandbox or the Main
page. When you do it, you expect to learn once for all how to edit a page.
But what happens: you are not editing a page but using the Dashboard
application. Even worse: you are not using the dashboard macro, you are
including it via a macro and you cannot change it directly in the WYSWYG
Conclusion: too much concepts to learn and nothing feels "natural". We are
far far away from the "iPhone experience" where everything feels so
natural: start an application, scroll inside a window, resize an image...
1 - Learn to edit a page
2 - Then learn what is a space and a wiki
3 - Discover the other content (ie: navigation)
4 - Learn how to use the other applications
5 - Customize the home page
Moving from one step to the other should be easy. That is how I expect a
wiki to work, and this was basically the first things I have done when I
have started XWiki the first time (+ going to the administration to
discover all the options).
= Proposal 2 =
It is a bit like a workaround. Everything is complex but we offer an helper
to easily replace the content of the home page. It does not fix the problem
we have with the dashboard application or the wysiwyg editor, but it is a
bit less terrible that what we have today.
= Proposal 3 =
To me it is the best option. A very simple page (KISS) that explains what
the wiki is, and that the user is not afraid to edit (like the Sandbox)
even if we should encourage the user to use the sandbox to do her tests.
The user could still go to the dashboard application to enjoy all its
features, and it could make it more clear that the Dashboard is a special
application with a special editing : it is on its own space and we discover
it after having learnt how to do basic stuffs.
It does not fix all the use cases though.
= Proposal 4 =
Retro-compatibility issue but I like it + a button on every page "set me as
the main page" (like the "fork me on github" buttons).
But this proposal is not enough.
= Proposal 5 =
I like it. Even if I don't like the wizards in general, I think it is still
the best option regarding the complexity of XWiki.
= Conclusion =
To me the solution is a mix of P3, P4 and P5. Of course P1 should be fixed
but it is not the priority to make XWiki easier to use.
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